Shodan Monitor helps you keep track of what you have exposed to the Internet. There are a few ways that Monitor sends out notifications (email, Slack, etc.) but the one we'll discuss in this article is aimed at developers: webhook notifications.
To let Shodan Monitor know about your webhook you need to add it from the Settings page:
Just registering the webhook isn't enough for Shodan to start sending notifications to it. You need to also add the webhook as a notification endpoint in your network alerts. If you're creating a new alert then you will see it as an option in the Notification Services section. Otherwise click the gear icon in your Manage Assets page for the alerts that you'd like to enable webhooks on.
You've got your web service up and running, you've registered and enabled your webhook, and now it's time to actually process the incoming data that Monitor will send. The webhook notification does a POST request to your URL where:
The JSON-encoded banner is exactly the same as you'd get from doing a search query via the API or by doing IP lookups. Here is a short example:
"asn": "AS15169",
"hash": -553166942,
"ip": 134744072,
"isp": "Google",
"transport": "udp",
"data": "\nRecursion: enabled",
"port": 53,
"hostnames": [
"location": {
"city": null,
"region_code": null,
"area_code": null,
"longitude": -97.822,
"country_code3": "USA",
"latitude": 37.751000000000005,
"postal_code": null,
"dma_code": null,
"country_code": "US",
"country_name": "United States"
"timestamp": "2018-03-16T03:06:34.553526",
"domains": [
"org": "Google",
"os": null,
"_shodan": {
"crawler": "6ff540e4d43ec69d8de2a7b60e1de2d9ddb406dc",
"options": {},
"module": "dns-udp",
"id": null,
"alert": {
"id": "XYZ",
"name": "My Asset Group Name",
"trigger": "new_service"
"opts": {},
"ip_str": ""
The headers contain metadata about the alert to help you understand which alert was responsible for generating the notification. Specifically, the following headers are available in the POST request:
The above information is also available in the _shodan.alert property in the form of a JSON object that looks like:
"alert": {
"id": "XYZ",
"name": "My Asset Group Name",
"trigger": "new_service"
Finally, the webhook requests will come from the IP that is associated with the hostname
Have further questions or not sure how to integrate webhooks? Reach out to for further assistance.